Marketing, Social Media

Social Media Growth – 3 Strategies

In the twenty-first century, where social media growth is on everybody’s mind, it’s hard to find someone that’s not involved with social media in some shape or form.

Everybody has their reasons.

social media growth strategies

Some get a lot of their daily entertainment from social media…

Some use their social media to stay up to date with what’s going on in the world…

And some of us, especially you, are using it because they realize the power that social media grants.

With a massive following behind you, you’re a credible source. A figure of authority…

Or just an egomaniac with a lot of free time on their hands.

Well for those who have been looking around, wondering how to get those followers up, we’ve come up with 3 quick tips to help you grow your social media.

Social Media Growth Tip #1: Everybody Loves Free Stuff

I want you to sit back and remember a time when you became a customer of a brand quicker than you expected.

Maybe you were walking around in Sam’s club, eager to get done shopping so that you could go grab a slice of pizza…

“Hey, would you like to try a free sample?”

One second you’re shopping for something completely different, the next you’re putting a whole box of whatever the sample was into your cart.

Bam. It was that easy. That’ll contribute to your social media growth.

They got you with what is known as a lead magnet, which is often a freebie! People love free stuff, especially if it benefits them or satisfies them.

In your Facebook posts and tweets, give a free nugget of wisdom out to draw potential customers in! They’ll be more inclined to buy the better the freebie!

A quick 15-second video on Instagram that gives just enough to make them want to buy your product for more is just enough!

Remember, they love freebies. 

Tip #2: Talk To The Good People

You’re on social media now.

You’ve gotten your pages up to snuff, the presentation is looking pretty good… 

So what’s next?

Engage for your social media growth. Seriously, talk and interact with people.

When just starting out, be sure to follow and interact with larger names in the community.

And when I say interact, I mean interact. Instead of trying to be firm, corporate and stern, show a bit of personality, crack a joke or two, anything to let your audience know that there’s an actual person behind that brand logo.

If you think that it’s not a good idea or that it may be a bit unprofessional, stop, go to Twitter, and look at how the fast-food brands interact with their audiences.

They sound like their audience so that the audience continuously grows because they can’t wait to show their friends how funny the Taco Bell page is.

Personality and engagement go a long way.

Tip #3: Links Everywhere

If you’re killing it on Twitter with the engagement and building but your other pages aren’t as popular…

Then why not link to those pages?

Imagine picking the right moment, and you tweet something out in response to a larger page with a larger following. You strike gold and the tweet goes viral, so now all eyes are on you.

… What now for your social media growth?

This would be the perfect time to drop links to your other platforms so that your reach is broadened. 

You might be missing out on more potential customers and supporters because they don’t really like Twitter as much as they adore Facebook.

Your Facebook crowd may have a group of people that check it every now and then, but spend a majority of their time on Instagram.

So make it easier for them to find you and come to you. Link back and forth between your pages until it looks like a spider web! All of them should be connected, which makes it easier to bring people in!

Well, those are three tips on growing your social media.

I’m sure that there are plenty more, so if you would like to let us know, drop it down in the comments below!

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