I interviewed Beth, a business, archetype, and purpose coach, as well as author. She shares a compelling story and powerful information in the interview.
I discovered her through another influencer and checked out her site. I took the quiz, and scored as “The Hedonist”.
Reveal Your Hero Archetype – An Interview with Beth Martens Video Title: The Hedonist Archetype Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqOSSntxwtM&t=3s Transcript:
hello welcome to this video my name is
Beth Martin’s I am the creator of the
King Heroes archetype quiz you’ve just
completed and if you’re landing here in
this video then you have placed yourself
on the journey of the these archetypes
with the hedonist and the hedonist is
actually really a magical archetype as
they all are this one leads to a very
direct connection with God or the divine
that’s the ultimate path of the hedonist
in that awakened place and in their
shadows what ends up coming up for this
archetype is really trying to replace
what’s missing in life in terms of you
know meaning real connection with
pleasures that are really just
satisfying on the surface level and you
can tell the difference because you know
there is definitely a very awakened way
to consume pleasure on this planet it
wouldn’t be a life worth living if we
didn’t have pleasure but wow you know
the difference between that downward
spiral that is really going to result in
some kind of harm to you ultimately and
a harm to others around you is whether
that you know when you satisfy that
pleasure is it bringing about more
hunger or is it bringing about
satisfaction so that’s your roadmap
that’s your marker to see if that’s
where you’re at right now and then you
can just start to turn it around in the
seeing of it and if you’d like to go
further than just seeing where you are
on this journey and see the whole
journey looking back on your path and
finding out where you might have left
pieces and parts of yourself behind
where you might have left your gold
behind on the path as well in not giving
yourself credit for accomplishments and
things that you’ve overcome and
challenges you’ve already crushed in the
past and you get to see what’s ahead of
you as well on the journey so you don’t
have to troubleshoot or think like oh my
gosh where am I going from here so I
will drop a link below to more
information about that and if you’d like
to connect and engage with me on social
media please Kevin
me on Facebook Twitter Instagram
LinkedIn and you can also visit my
website Beth Martin’s calm bye for now
I decided to reach out and she graciously accepted my invitation.
If you’d like to see the full video interview, you can find it at the bottom of this post.
Beth Martens
Beth Martens is from Winnipeg Manatoba. She
currently helps people find their superpower and apply it to their lives,
business, and identity. From a young age until now, she has always worked with
Death Sentence at 29
She was working full-time at her own business and travelling back and forth between Canada and India.
At the age of 29 she was diagnosed with Stage 4 Lymphoma. Everything came to a halt.
Beth’s battle with Cancer lasted 3 years.
The Second Diagnosis
Beth was told that the fight was essentially
over. She was not going to live. As a last-ditch effort, stem-cell treatment
was offered.
What Saved Her Life
Personal development, and psychology can be useful tools and fields of study to help one achieve their goals.
When Beth rediscovered archetypes, she did more than achieve goals, she saved her own life. It’s easy to discuss personality development or topics of psychology. It’s another thing to use the subject of archetypes the way Beth Martens did.
Beth Reclaimed Her Life and
The story is unbelievable yet true. Beth
learned how to tap into and unlock her own energy. To realign with who she
really was in a way that meant survival against the odds.
Using the Hero Archetype
Beth now runs her coaching business centered around her discovered superpower.
A local woman, Natalie Reimer Anderson, had gone through a similar life-threatening experience as Beth. Natalie is a natural health professional who approached Beth to help her deal with her own current business challenges.
Natalie had hit a wall in her career. She was a fitness coach and nutritionist who wasn’t satisfied by the limitations of her professions. She knew she wasn’t getting people the results she knew were possible and that she’d seen in her own life.
Through Beth’s coaching, Natalie pulled together all of her talents, passions and skills and transformed her identity and career from nutritionist and fitness trainer to one of the first ever self-love coaches.
The important take-away is not that Natalie changed careers or had to reinvent herself entirely. Beth helped Natalie use her existing skills to carve her own path based on her unique purpose and lived experiences.
Your Hero Archetype
You can learn what your Journey archetype is by taking a short quiz on her site. Merpreneur for women, and there’s also a link above for the King Heroes”:
Check out her new upcoming book and join her Journey + Freedom online archetype study group. There you can connect with Beth and others learning about where they are on their path of purpose.
Click the image to reserve your copy and get in on the conversation.
You can also reach Beth through facebook, I can confirm that she actually takes the time to meaningfully respond to comments and posts.
You can watch the full interview below. We
talk about everything mentioned above
Joseph Campbell’s The Hero’s Journey
Personal Development
Beth’s Business
An Overview of the Book
Gender Culture
And more…
Reveal Your Hero Archetype – An Interview with Beth Martens Link: https://youtu.be/B1WBkhiJT8E Transcript: okay Beth Martens think again for the
interview just to preface the interview
very quickly I’d like to say that right
now we’re building content for women’s
empowerment building content for self
development for personal branding for
using social media to help personal
branding and now we’re getting into
things like personality development
archetype so I think you fit in all
those categories how are you I’m really
well thanks so much for having me Jeff
it’s really a pleasure and an honor
okay so let’s jump into it um first
let’s just talk about who you are your
name where you from just a little bit
about you and then we can get into your
story more sure my name is Beth Martin’s
I’m from Winnipeg Manitoba where I am
here right now it’s the forks of the red
and the Assiniboine River in Canada so
central great dead center in the country
and I am a business and archetype as
well as purpose coach so I help people
who can’t stand to just sit back and
look at the things that are wrong in the
world but they want to do something
about it and often that something adds
up to a business so they can be valued
for it and do it full-time and I also
help most often men to survive their
purpose because they put a lot of energy
out and are taking care of a lot of
people and sometimes their health and
relationships fall through in the
process okay very cool it looks it looks
like nicer there than it is here it’s
actually flooding I am no kidding Wow
yeah first day of fall so we have the
nicest day ever today
yeah Houston’s weird like that we get we
actually have the same rainfall of
Seattle mostly but we just get it all at
once but it’s interesting what you say
about finding your purpose this is
definitely a big trend in marketing it’s
a big trend for you know freelancing
it’s exploding people want to work from
home they want to be able to travel they
want to run their thing so tell me a
little bit about how you got into it
what was your before you really figured
out what
you wanted to do what was your what was
the goal that you had wow that’s a
loaded question let’s see before I
figured what I wanted to do it’s ever
evolving process
I’ve been full time in my business since
2003 but it’s looked completely
differently over the years although like
the last maybe decade things have fallen
into place and yet still I can’t stop
the innovation there’s there’s new stuff
coming down the pipes all the time
originally I was born and raised in this
town to entrepreneurs and by 10 years
old I was actually working in their
business because I loved making money
and having responsibilities and then
went to work with them full-time after I
started traveling to India every year so
I could support my habit of traveling
and then by the age of 29 I was
diagnosed with a stage 4 lymphoma and
that put a full stop to my traveling and
it put a full stop to my career in
marketing and communication was my
family and it became a three year fight
for my life after a second diagnosis I
was told I wasn’t actually going to
I was offered a stem cell transplant as
a possible half a chance to live and and
at that time I was guided to work with
archetypes and in just one of those
serendipitous take the write book off
the shelf thinking that maybe this is
the thing because I was really had been
trying everything possible that I knew
how to survive and and it was exactly
what I needed it
it’s I had I would studied archetypes in
university in an academic way but at
this point I really put them to the test
and used it as a tool of self you know
development is on the light sides but
but for sure to reclaim exactly who I am
from that which I was suppressing really
intensely and you know because out the
the corporate world was not my kettle of
fish I was a fish out of water
lately and I was unconsciously looking
for a way to my purpose on this earth
rather than live in that corporate sea
of meaningless nothing so then in a very
short time of working with archetypes I
actually went from being a dying person
to being a living person because I
discovered the keys of being able to
unlock energy in my own system it sounds
pretty will woo and I’m actually not
rule at all it was just simply when you
know I realized that or now I know I
don’t think I could have articulated it
exactly how what I did worked but now I
help other people do it to take the
energy that they think they need to you
know put parts of themselves off in the
back burner or kill them all together to
reclaim that and then reclaim all of the
energy that they’re using to suppress
that so that’s kind of a short story now
as a business and architect coach and
purpose coach I help people not to have
to get so far out of alignment like I
did before they start making different
choices and changes in their life Wow
yeah that’s incredible definitely
curious yeah there’s a lot of talk about
what’s there’s a lot of interest in
spirituality and there’s a lot of
skepticism but that’s you know an
amazing story you do hear a lot of
stories similar to this that people
beating miraculously beating cancer in
very unconventional ways I also wanted
to talk about since she’s been running
with this thing for a while now a
specific time that are like a specific
client and a problem and how you used
what you discovered to help them kind of
breaking it down like what when they
came to you what was the problem what
was the kind of revelation that you
helped them find and then what did you
do so one of my favorites clients a
local woman and I don’t think she’s
gonna minds me using her name at all
Natalie Reimer Anderson
all time favorites that I love all my
clients of course but she came to me and
had been through actually some similar
life experiences and got to the other
side and knew that it was something that
she needed to pursue to turn around and
start helping people as well because
that’s a very common symptom of those
that I work West that there they they
desire to be part of solutions out there
and she had trained herself in holistic
health and nutrition and fitness
training but she had this huge body of
knowledge and personal experience of
having saved her own life from a totally
different condition and she knew that
there was more than just you know she
was a very successful nutritionist
worked in in the fanciest clinic in town
had you know had this had this great
career by many people’s standards but
she knew that she wasn’t really helping
people as much as she knew she could and
so that’s where her and I connected and
she hired me as a coach and and I helped
her to pull not just her trainings and
skills together but her whole entire
purpose to be on this planet in the
first place that was tied in with all of
her personal experiences because what
she didn’t recognize at that point is
the immense value in being able to not
just like leave your challenges behind
him go like who thought I got past that
but to see how it actually became
something of a superpower for you to get
to the other side of a major challenge
in your life it prepares you to help
people in not just exactly that way but
to help them get through their their big
challenges and you know she didn’t like
marketing she wasn’t I don’t think she
was scared of marketing but she was
definitely it wasn’t something that she
liked to do for herself and the idea of
going out and being completely
independent say of clinics and of of
gyms and all that kind of more normal
context for a person with her skills
she went off on her own and and took
that risk and and learned the basics of
marketing in a truly authentic way so
that it didn’t feel like she was being a
fraud that what she was selling she you
know she went transformed from being a
fitness coach and a nutritionist into
being a self-love coach hmm and he
completely took off it was now now you
look around after maybe seven eight
years that she’s been doing it and
there’s actually a lot of self-love
coaches out there people that go under
that title but there literally wasn’t
fun back then that I had ever heard of
well and and it became her own
definition of what she was here to help
people do and her business it was
totally flooded with clients she just
has this wonderful thriving service that
I just love to tell her story and and
send people her way so if you’re stuck
if you’re stuck with that trouble then
you should definitely look her up that’s
yeah I would like to get her name mm-hmm
you know as a marketer it like I like to
market because I like to you know I
don’t I get to let other people be the
star and I don’t have to have all the
answers so I just find the people who do
and I help promote them but I do run
into that a lot is that people aren’t
who aren’t really educated or familiar
that’s my dog making noise in the
background you know they they kind of
have the traditional stereotypical view
of you know marketing as sales and
salesmen they’re sleazy and dishonest a
lot of them are but they don’t know how
to market themselves they just know they
need to do it and they know they don’t
feel comfortable and so they feel like
they have to cross this moral barrier in
order to have a successful business a
lot of the time especially with early
startups exactly thank you gave her a
lot of direction on that mm-hmm
definitely ya know that’s the roots in
the history of marketing things actually
designed to manipulate and lie to people
so it’s not surprising that that people
have that fear it’s it’s a real thing
cool yeah I think it’s funny you say
that I feel like archetypes are kind of
flipside of that because you are
you know digging in a good salesman or
manipulative salesman who knows what
he’s doing
knows how to use words that sort of
bypass your logical thinking okay no no
I mean I’ll just say this that basically
every tool out there whether it’s
archetypes are all of the different ways
to markets it can be used for one of two
main purposes one one is to deceive
people and take them down and the other
is to lift people up and and make them
more powerful so that’s know nothing is
inherently good or bad yeah I like that
I like that view of it too you know it’s
a power it’s a skill and it’s really
about how you use it so lastly I kind of
wanted to I wanted you to talk about
your book and this this might that might
be the answer to the question but if
somebody were you know like I’m in
Houston on the other side of North
America from you there if you go to
Austin sure you know spirituality
natural medicine self development these
are big in places like Houston they’re
not nearly as popular it’s growing and a
lot of people are very skeptical because
it’s sort of against the culture you
know I tell people if they want to
practice meditation they don’t need to
be religious they just need to give it a
try and see how it helps them what would
you say to somebody who wasn’t against
this but was maybe skeptical or didn’t
know what to start in terms of
archetypes in terms of sort of tapping
into their own energy yeah I’d say first
of all congratulations for being
skeptical because there’s a lot of
people out there lying to you and you
should absolutely be aware of that and
not just believe anything anybody says
including me so you know the thing that
if you start to look into it what you’ll
notice is that the universe isn’t random
right there’s actually in fact despite
that’s one of the lies that’s that’s
told to us and it oh it’s just chaos and
anybody you know can have a bad reaction
and all
they’re shooting everybody in a school
like no that’s not true and if you
really look in very closely to yourself
and and then if you look in closely to
yourself you actually gain so much
insight onto people out there you’ll
notice that they there are certain
patterns that if you look back in your
life there are certain ways that you
have been certain things that you have
said felt and belief believed that are
in line and can be you know not
necessarily predicted but if you go back
you’ll see oh my god my life makes sense
this is how purpose work is often done
backwards where you you go back and you
see what are the common threads that
have followed me all my life mm-hmm and
they’re just there that nobody had to
tell you how to be that’s why you know
one one set of parents can have two kids
maybe even twins and they can be really
different people right we it appears to
me we came to this earth wired in
certain ways and it’s kind of like the
hard drive of a computer it’s it’s hard
wiring that that you can’t as much as
you want to take certain parts of
yourself out I was just talking to a
woman today specifically about having
some like caregiving nurturing qualities
and the nurturer archetype is a big one
in my world most of the people that I
work with have some kind of issue around
you know giving a lot giving too much
over giving under charging coming up
short at the end of the day and not
knowing what hit them
you know hating the people they’re
helping secretly of course because they
don’t want to be even letting themselves
know that that’s happening and then
she’s saying to me well I need to put a
stop to this and that’s actually where
you can lose a lot of energy because you
are trying to like say no to that part
of yourself it’s actually really
important to you you’ve already decided
somewhere along the line that that’s
that’s who you are and so it’s a matter
of rather than then cutting out parts of
yourself that aren’t working
it’s it’s about awakening them and it’s
the very same thing as as marketing it’s
learning to use it from a place of like
truly good intention rather than having
it maybe it’s what it feels like it’s
using you right so then then it becomes
a superpower rather than your enemy and
that’s when when you know that’s certain
like either parts of yourself maybe it’s
parts of your body your heart your mind
or your life are showing up like an
enemy or other people you’re definitely
dealing with some kind of archetype that
is out of alignment or or jammed into
the unconscious and then it’s very
systematic it’s a process of being able
to identify and simplify this is this is
a huge part of why what I do works is
because it takes an incredibly complex
world of you know that’s why most people
would resist even looking into their
inner world because it is so incredibly
complex and the archetype world is just
a way to simplify it you know there’s
there’s so many people that have
actually nothing to do with spirituality
that are using it you know the very
first psychologist Carl Jung he was the
one that discovered that no matter where
you go in the world these archetypes are
there they’re completely consistent so
time space culture doesn’t even change
them it’s something that humans have in
common with each other and so it’s it’s
just a matter of fact when it’s the
moment you see it you won’t stop seeing
it so there’s there’s no there’s nothing
to believe it’s not like a spirituality
where you have to believe in this or
believe in that and I always say like if
you can’t see it for yourself and it’s
not actually true
for you right it’s insane so yeah
question yeah no I I knew I threw a hard
question there but I think it’s a I
think it’s a great answer and I think
it’s just a it’s a hard question because
it’s a tough barrier of people to cross
and here’s this thing sorry here’s the
thing is that
like I will never spend one ounce of
energy trying to convince anybody of
this work it’s only when they wake up
and they go okay my life is either
unmanageable I hit a crisis and I can’t
get past this wall the way I did in my
life or they’re trying for something
that’s extraordinary and that’s when
they tend to pop up they come my way
they’re out there they’re actually
looking they’re seeking and then they’re
open to this kind of a thing so I don’t
think you need to convince anybody it’s
it’s either that life gets so bad that
they are forced to look into this you
know one of my client that I worked with
was diagnosed with a terminal illness he
was given two weeks to live and he
knocks on my door like none of this
stuff when I said like okay how does
this sound what’d I do he’s like well
actually makes no sense to me but I need
to I need to I you know part of me
saying I need to do this and so he had
no belief in the process whatsoever
after 30 days of working with him every
single day I got an email saying Betsy
saved my life right and I didn’t save
his life I don’t take credit for that he
did the work but that’s like the person
again who had zero belief in this in
this work he didn’t even you know think
about archetypes maybe a little bit with
regard to business and branding and that
kind of thing but you know and this is a
really interesting part of it is that
not only are there specific archetypes
that are universal to every being but
maybe you know every human being anyway
I don’t know every being but the journey
of life itself is archetypal this was
the discovery of mostly Joseph Campbell
or he’s the most famous for discovering
that this hero’s journey that it doesn’t
matter again where you’re born what you
do what your career is what your
interests are what your specific
archetypes are you are on the very same
journey as every person is and you will
be called to something you will be
either awakened through some kind of
cyclone cyclone that comes through your
life or just by your
deep desire that doesn’t let you sleep
at night to something greater than just
simply existing and going through life
and not dying so you know that that will
that will haunt you it’s something that
I know I don’t get to sleep if I don’t
follow my purpose it was exactly what
has you know I’ll say forced but that’s
that would be saying as if it’s against
my will it’s not but has made me write
this book that I’m in the process of
editing right now it is a map of
archetypes for finding lost purpose in
the sea of meaningless myths so that’s
that’s the subtitle the the title is
journey and it goes through the
archetypes of this heroic journey that
each person is on so that you don’t have
to walk blindly and like I did right I
did this with absolutely no knowledge of
how the the whole thing was gonna play
out what the plot was and it took me a
lot more effort and a lot more time and
it was way scarier and way more
expensive by far to do it on my own so
this book is an effort to just say like
here all you have to do is actually
follow what’s already designed what’s
already pre writ in the human psyche and
you can gain so much traction by just
reclaiming those parts of yourself that
might be disowned cool I also have a
very strong interest in the masculine
and a feminine archetype because this is
something that costs humanity a great
deal of its well-being right now that’s
the you know I grew up in a time when
feminism was on the rise I now consider
myself to be a recovering feminist
because I the same way that marketing
was used against people so was the
feminist movement and you know I I’m
living now and we’re living in a day in
an age where more than half of the
marriages break up it’s actually
becoming in fashion not to couple I just
saw this yesterday and this
saying that like this uncommon
uncoupling or not coupling is now a fad
and it has really taken the fabric of
humanity down a lot of notches that
people are very weak I know I’m a single
mother myself I know what it’s like to
go through raising a child my dad’s son
is in the picture but still as a single
parent it’s it’s a totally kind of
hellish thing and so understand yeah so
a real stand for for showing men to
women and women to men so they can see
each other on the identical journey but
but really the journey it it looks
completely different through the man’s
eyes and through a woman’s eyes so
that’s part of the book is to weave this
story of the masculine and the feminine
throughout all of these archetypes and
to just show men and women to each other
so that they can end this gender war
great yeah that was one thing I liked
about I’m gonna have to read the book
but from researching you and talking to
you is I like archetypes I like Carl
Jung have studied in for quite a while
and there’s a lot of stuff on the
internet that’s you know they use the
fun part of the archetypes to make a
quiz but then they don’t really have a
utility or a philosophy that works
behind that but what I’m also seeing is
authors use archetypes in kind of more
specific ways and there’s I’m thinking
of a specific book that’s more focused
on the masculine and the different arc
managing your masculinity through
archetypes but that’s why I was
interested in your book because you’re
doing in a specific way and it sounds
like it’s mostly about sure masculine
and feminine the genders but also it’s
specifically about finding your lost
purpose exactly again it’s for those
souls out there that they not just want
to help make solutions for the problems
of the world that are escalating by the
but they have to they literally can’t
themselves and and be in this life
without doing something and so they’re
compelled by that force to be you know
and that’s really what purpose is by the
way purpose it doesn’t exist if you just
sit in your living room and you’re doing
your own saying I don’t care how
creative how prolific what you’re doing
if it if it doesn’t relate back to
humanity and serve humanity in some way
it’s not true purpose because that’s
that’s to me the very definition we came
here to be part of this this whole
organism called humanity and to serve
each other because otherwise if we’re
just in this individualistic kind of you
know cultish way of being really is what
it is that we’re just here to make
ourself happy and and you know get as
much pleasure and good stuff out of our
life as we can it really does become a
very empty life yeah definitely and I
was like we know one thing I was saying
and if you try to define an archetype
you’re gonna lose a lot of people really
quickly because it’s just not a very
simple thing to define but what I do
like about it is you know if you would
explain the archetype you explain all
these things people like they don’t get
it but if they when they see an
archetype when they experience a symbol
an image they or a story
it’s very instinctual so it’s kind of a
hard thing to break down and I guess I’m
trying to connect that with how you say
you can just sort of chase pleasure I
have this problem let me solve this
problem I want this let me go get this
but when you tap into your two
archetypes you start to kind of
understand how you fit into this greater
story and that does give you a powerful
sense of purpose that’s beautiful yeah
and if you’re looking for an easy
definition of what an archetype is to me
it’s an emotional and spiritual
blueprint okay yeah
elegant way to put it yeah or eloquent
just the way that a house is being built
with a with a plan of some kind you know
then worse
starting to get off into some
theological talks about the the plan in
the destiny and all that kind of thing
it’s not it’s not actually my subject I
I don’t you know I can answer questions
about that but it’s just to see okay
there is there is a certain wiring when
you when you look at anything in nature
it has order to it it has a beautiful
you know like incredibly intricate
design to it and it does point to the
designer like who’s that designer hmm
but at the same time it lets you work
with it in a way that is you know it
because we to wake up every morning and
feel like life is just chaos I mean
that’s not a life worth living but if
you discover how you’re here to make
other people’s lives better and easier
and how other people are wired to make
your life better and easier then it
becomes this incredibly connected
beautiful thing that like you said the
word or you didn’t say the word but you
just implied it’s it’s a sense of
belonging that most people are are sadly
and and desperately lacking feeling of
being connected and and belonging yeah
definitely in today’s world on that note
though thank you for connecting with me
ever been to Canada but I definitely
want to visit it more that I see that
it’s stormy outside it looks gorgeous
there you should come where should I go
if I want to visit Canada what’s your
favorite city darn it I won’t tell you
to come here it depends on when you come
like if you’re coming in the middle of
our summers are absolutely glorious
definitely summer what a big Winnipeg
Manitoba you know very very classic the
British Columbia is beautiful and on the
coast of the East Coast also very
amazing what’s my favorite place in
Canada mmm I don’t know the mountains
are gorgeous haven’t been for a lot of
years but the the prairies it’s all it’s
all pretty different pretty amazing
depending on what time of year you’re
and and what you’re hoping to do but
feel free to knock on my door I love
hearing from new people and making new
friends on social media I’m out there if
you don’t mind I’ll tell people my these
dudes please tell me they can follow and
find you yeah it’s Beth Martin’s calm
with an ENS and my book right now I’m in
the process of editing it it should be
out in the new New Year but I am
actually pre selling it so you’re most
welcome to come and jump in and at this
time as a free bonus along with it I’m
doing a bi-weekly archetype study group
so you can jump in and start to learn
about the archetypes before the book
even comes out and start to get into the
conversation it’s it’s not coaching and
it’s not a class it’s it’s just a group
conversation where we’re all talking
about things that really matter to us so
that’s something that you get to to join
in a live call you can also do the
archetype quiz so if you are a woman
who’s looking to be valued for your
purpose I recommend the Mariners
archetype quiz and if you are more of a
man you are a man and you’re looking for
ways to both value and and survive your
purpose then I’d recommend the King
heroes archetype quiz they’re the same
archetypes just again that different
take it takes just 7 minutes to find out
not who you are but where you are on the
path of purpose yeah only free I took
the Murr preneur one before I knew that
I saw the King hero one so right what
was your archetype again well let’s see
this I think when I took the right quiz
I got the hedonist well my parents are
from New Orleans so like you know like I
can’t argue too much with that nice
that’s beautiful no and that’s exactly
where I was at that was my position on
the journey when I began to discover
that this was a map that it was
definitely something that was not just
these individual archetypes but they
were a meaningful journey so
exactly where I was at and it was
calling me to the next stage which is
the king very cool all right miss Beth
Martin’s I think that’s all I have for
today is there anything else you want to
add I’ll definitely include link to your
book link to the group I think the
group’s a really great idea it’s not I
like it because it’s not just let me
round you all up so you can buy my book
kind of thing it’s a really deep topic
it’s very interesting you know I’ve
looked into this like more than 10 years
ago and I’m still learning about it
about like Carl Jung you can read him
for the rest of your life if you wanted
to about archetypes and it’s a great
idea to get started with it before you
jump straight into the book anything
else to head the book the link to the
quiz to you to social media and of
course this video anything else you want
to add before we go just that there are
a series of videos on my youtube channel
the king hero archetype in particular if
that’s when you’re interested in and
again I just love being conversation
with people so if you leave me comments
I actually respond and my facebook is
quite lively there’s a lot of really
interesting conversations going on there
love to if you hit me up on Twitter and
Instagram so yeah I’m very approachable
definitely true you definitely respond
because I know I’ve been bugging you a
lot there you go thank you so much for
having me I’m actually really really
having enjoyed this conversation a lot
good good thank you for doing the
interview so that sits for today and
everyone go look up Beth Martin’s and
her book
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