Innovation, Mobile, Social Media

Mobile Innovation – Sneak Peak into the Future of Social Media

Time isn’t stopping nor is it waiting on any man – mobile innovation is happening.

The future is coming at a rapid pace, and before you know it, the year 2020 will be upon us.

So with that being said, what does this mean for social media? The platforms?

Mobile innovation team

While nobody can accurately predict the future, it’s definitely a lot more plausible to take a shot at guessing whats going to happen based on data and trends that we’re already seeing.

With that being said, here are three social media predictions for 2020!

Social Media Prediction: Videos Are Key

Just take a second and think about this.

How many times have you been on your phone and drawn to watch a video on a topic you’re interested in over reading about it? This is mobile innovation.

Videos are on a definite rise in popularity as of late. They’re a lot more attention-grabbing, easier to digest, and more convenient for countries with lower literacy rates.

Just going by the Globalwebindex latest data, 56% of internet users watch videos on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter each month!

Social Media Prediction: It Just Keeps Growing

There’s no big surprise, and there’s no denying it anymore –

Modern society is truly integrating technology, mobile innovation and the internet into our daily lives.

And if everyone is constantly plugged into the internet, you can bet that there will definitely be an increase in social media usage.

It’s speculated that Instagram will become the premier social media platform over the next few years due to its current domination. That domination is especially predicted to be apparent by 2020.

The growth of social media usage is an interesting metric to watch, with Africa boasting the highest growth rate of all, according to Every year, the current number of internet users on the continent increases by over 20%.

Social Media Prediction: Mobile Innovation Is Key

In this day and age, it’s hard to get by in life without having access to a smartphone.

Everybody is getting one sooner or later, and it’s only a matter of time before the whole world is plugged in. Studies suggest that by 2020, at least 3 billion people will gain access to a smartphone.

And what does this mean for marketers and brands?

A wider audience to reach out to and promote to! Mobile innovation to the rescue.

Search is still the king of product research for now, but social media is right on their heels, ready to overlap them and claim the spot on the top of the hill. 

Thanks to another study done by WebGlobalIndex, it has been estimated that 28% of users used social media for product research instead of a regular search engine.

Big news for those who can capitalize on this growth trend!

Well, those are three predictions for social media platforms in 2020. Do you have any predictions that you’d like to share? Comment them down below, and let us know your thoughts!

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